How to Keep Job Sites and Crew Cool All Summer Long
Chiller rentals

Anyone who lives and works in Georgia knows that summer weather is no joke. This year, summer temperatures are already soaring, bringing special challenges for construction workers who spend the bulk of their workdays outdoors under a blazing sun.

Don’t let heat stress lead to on-the-job accidents or illnesses such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat rashes. With chiller rentals and proper planning, you can help everyone on your job site keep cool all summer long.

Rent a Chiller Unit

These Rentals Keep Worksites and Workers Safe

Yancey Power Systems is ready with whatever temperature control equipment rentals your construction site needs to operate safely and efficiently, including portable chiller rentals, industrial chiller rentals, spot coolers, portable commercial air conditioners, portable AC rentals and generators to power them.

More Ways Workers Can Stay Safe in the Heat

Here are some common-sense tips to remember when working outside or in uncooled spaces during the summer

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration happens quickly in the heat, so replenish fluids regularly, every 15-20 minutes or so by drinking cold water. Caffeinated drinks, however, have diuretic effects that can cause more dehydration.

Dress Appropriately

Opt for clothing that is light-colored and as loose as is safe for the job site. Material that is moisture wicking, breathable and offers UPF/UV protection is also ideal.

Take Breaks and Find Shade

Build a few extra short breaks into the workday, giving your body a break from the sun. Finding shade is especially important if you’re wearing heavy protective gear that can trap in heat and sweat.

Set Up Fans or Misters

Moving air can feel more comfortable and help you cool down quickly while you’re taking a break from the sun.

Use Sunscreen

Choose sun protection with a high SPF, apply it generously, and reapply every few hours, especially if you’re sweating.

Adjust Working Hours

Temperatures are cooler in the early morning and late evening. If possible, adjust the schedule to allow crews to do the most labor-intensive work during these times instead of gutting it out during the hot afternoon.

Stay Cool With Yancey

For more than a century, Yancey has been George’s trusted provider of machinery and parts — and experienced Georgia’s weather every summer. We have the cooling rentals, knowledgeable people, and know-how to tackle your temperature control needs now. Get in touch today.